Orange ball License plate center
Orange ball License plate center
Orange ball License plate center
Orange ball License plate center

“Quality means doing things well, not just meeting the reference standard. Always remember it”


For our company, operating according to quality principles means constantly striving at all levels, to continuously improve internal business processes, to carry out the processes that meet both the customer’s requirements and those that regulate and govern the activity carried out by the company.

To this end CENTRO TARGA srl, in line with the above, also aiming at locally development and consequent increase in turnover, has decided to develop its own code of ethics, with a commitment to satisfy the customer’s needs, that means through:

Orange ball License plate center
Orange ball License plate center
Orange ball License plate center
Orange ball License plate center

In addition, CENTRO TARGA srl pursues the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of its Code of Ethics through:

In order to achieve the objectives set out above, CENTRO TARGA srl undertakes to periodically review this Code of Ethics, aiming at the continuous improvement of the activities carried out and the image.

This Code, defined by the Company Director, is documented and communicated to all the staff, by posting in a place suitable for everyone to receive the message.

All employees, who are responsible for the areas of their competence, have the task of periodically check the respect of the indicated principles.